Thursday and Friday by Niko

 On June 20th, all students from the exchange program gathered at Colegio del Salvador to drive to Akamasoa. Here we participated in service work which consisted of digging holes for septic tanks, weeding, moving gravel and being with many of the animals that live there. After many of us finished our jobs we ate lunch and played Futbol(Soccer) with many of the kids living there. Later in the day we arrived home and many people including me drove to Fatima, the country side, because we do not have class the next day due to the holiday. When we arrived at Fatima later in the evening, we had a rest and later had a gathering at another exchange brothers house to close off the night.

On June 21st, after catching up on some lost sleep from the night before me and a few other exchange brothers went to the Club Cuba gym. Matt, John, Luke (Gonzaga) and many other Argentinian friends from Colegio del Salvador hung out around the clubhouse and talked and played games. After arriving home from the club house, we had dinner and a rest. Later in the evening we went to a gathering at a friends house and spent time talking with many new people in Spanish. Later we all went our separate ways home.


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